Through our Corporate Social Responsibility program under the name “Acts of responsibility”, we integrate and systematically apply all our best practices in 5 areas of activity:
Acts of responsibility for society
Acts of responsibility for our employees
Acts of responsibility for customers
Acts of responsibility for the environment
Awareness raising campaign for customers
Corporate Social Responsibility for us means commitment and responsibility on matters such as product quality and prices, transparent transactions with our suppliers, whom we choose based on specific criteria, sustainable development with direct benefits for the interested parties (e.g. customers, suppliers, local community), effective use of alternative energy sources, such as water, wind, such, etc., with respect towards the environment and the local community, support for vulnerable populations, for NGOs, the homeless, etc., while keeping at the top of our priorities our support for our employees , making sure we respond to their needs for continuous education and psychological support, while maintaining a pleasant and family-like atmosphere.
Therefore we have managed to:
Offer food to thousands of our fellow citizens
Train thousands of students in schools of Athens
Support culture and art
Recycle tons of materials and appliances
Donate blood to all METRO SA employees and their loved ones, when needed
Offer security and satisfaction to our employees, through their training, career and various actions for rewarding them.
Develop multiple approaches for carrying out our business, through actions and values of responsibility, morality and respect for the environment, for our neighbour, for the local community or society at large.